Mineral Processing

The activities of the  Mineral Processing are essentially focused on the development of processes or parts of processes on the basis of primary and secondary materials.

The aim is to determine the processing phases which will be the most efficient and the most cost-effective with the lowest environmental impact. The work covers tests of material fragmentation, the release of components or the shaping of products (pelletisation, granulation, etc.). Separation and concentration tests complete the preceding tests.

In keeping with the previous year, our work has principally focused on studies relative to secondary materials, and also to primary materials. The trend amongst industrialists is still for replacing the primary materials traditionally used in their production by alternative materials or by the recovery of constituents with high value added in their waste.

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Les problématiques posées relèvent néanmoins de plus en plus du défi à cause de la complexité des matières ou de la diminution des teneurs en éléments recherchés. Des initiatives de « design for recycling » ou d’études de recyclabilité de produits nous sont de plus en plus soumises à cet effet.

Des travaux à façon divers (concassages, broyages, classifications, etc) complètent le panel des prestations assurées par le pôle Mineral Processing.

Nos expertises
Dans le mineral processing

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